1st November 2014 - Britcar Endurance & Trophy

This was the weekend where the Saker was put through its endurance paces. The day had not started brilliantly with the overcast wet day drying very slowly. The Team had made the decision (wrongly as it turned out) to put the slicks on in the hope that the track would dry during qualifying – it was not to be and it was a struggle to qualify.
Qualifying 8th meant that Purbrick and Duckman had their work cut out to make their way through the field, but the task was made all the more difficult by a blocked fuel filter, resulting in power cut outs mid-corner – a scary experience!
Through all the adversity, Team Saker came through and finished 2nd in their category – not a bad result for our first taste of endurance racing – certainly something there to build on for next season.
The last race was a 30 minute sprint and because the Saker had not taken part in any of the earlier sprint races, Alan had to start from the back of the grid. It took a few laps to pick off the back markers and then steady progress was made through the pack. Halfway through the race the Mosler of Kevin Riley was involved in a very nasty accident (thankfully he has made a great recovery) that all but destroyed the car on the pit wall. This resulted in the race being stopped and at the re-start the the Saker had made it all the way up to 5th on the grid. An overall finish of 7th and 2nd in class meant that there is much to look forward to in 2015.